Thursday, August 9, 2012

Make A Unique Statement With Your Cigar Pairing Ideas

Of all the hobbies in the world, one of the most luxurious and exciting is that of cigar pairing. If you are unfamiliar with what cigar pairing is, you can think of it as a method of trying to find delicious combinations of cigar flavors with flavors from other things. Most people who participate in cigar pairing will either match up their cigars with either alcohol or food. Learn more about  cigar boxes for sale from

If you study the history of cigar pairing with alcohol, you'll find that people are mostly likely going to pair their cigars with a fine scotch whiskey; however, if you feel like venturing out, you'll find that other types of alcohol can create really exciting flavor combinations. Food is just the same. The most typical foods to pair with cigars are aged steaks and hand-crafted cheesecakes, but there is a world full of other foods that you might want to try when it comes to cigar pairing. If you are feeling adventurous as you set out to do cigar pairing, you may want to try some of the following cigar pairing ideas.

As stated earlier, scotch whiskey is the most popular type of alcohol to pair with cigars. However, the world is becoming ever more full of flavored vodkas. You can easily go to the liquor store to find vodka that tastes like a kind of fruit, candy-infused vodkas, and in some areas a vodka that is designed to have hints of popcorn.

With all the vodka flavors in existence, it can be quite tempting to try to pair a cigar flavor with the appropriate kind of vodka. Mixing a fruity flavored cigar with one of the vodkas varieties that is also infused with a fruit essence might be a good idea to try. This can create a delicious combination. Few people, if any, have found the ideal combination of popcorn-flavored vodka and cigar flavor.

When it comes to food, you have quite a few options to choose from. One type of food that hasn't been explored as much as steak and cheesecake is pairing cigars with types of cheese. You can spend a lifetime simply exploring all the different flavors of cheese combined with flavors of cigar.

If you want to start pairing types of cheese with types of cigars, you might get a good start by just sticking to the field of cheddar. Cheddar is a very versatile cheese, and you'll be able to find cheeses including anything form aged cheeses to recently-made cheeses full of fruit and nuts. Combining any fruity cigar with a variety of cheddar will probably result in some great flavor explosions. For more info about cigars, click here.

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